Inform and Inspire.
I love to talk and share my experiences. Writing is new to me but I am all for trying new things. Below you will find learnings, information I find valuable, and my philosophies on birth and other aspects of life. All writings are my own and not medical advice.
Top 10 gift ideas for new moms
Mama, you are strong, beautiful, and amazing. You deserve the best. Leave a comment and let me know what you would add to this list.
Services- Postpartum support, house cleaning, massage therapy, salon appointment, etc. These gifts are invaluable and will be so appreciated. I’ve teamed up with Be Her Village which is a baby registry focused on what a mom wants and needs. It’s free to create a registry and all of the money gifted goes straight to the mom to be’s account.

A runner’s mentality.
I wasn’t always a runner. I discovered running in February of this year and began training for my first half in March with the mindset, “If I can give birth, I can do anything.” Anything might be a stretch but you are definitely capable of more. I trained for 9 weeks which is shorter than recommended and I thought I was crazy as I’m sure others did. When I told David I signed up to run a half, his response was, “We all make horrible life decisions once in awhile.” He really is the most patient and supportive person. He just has a unique way of showing it and adds humor to everything. I trained solo for most of my runs and it became therapeutic. I was a better mom, partner, and person on the days I ran. I changed my eating and water drinking habits because I wanted to feel good when I ran. I wasn’t concerned with pace but with how it made me feel. The experience was greater than the act itself. I completed my first half marathon on Mother’s Day. This day is joyful and it also carries a lot of heaviness but I’ll leave that for another story.

The birth story that started it all.
My 39 week appointment was scheduled for October 15th at 9:45am. I told David about a week before that we should put the hospital bags in the car and do a practice run the day of my appointment. I also mentioned how convenient it would be if she decided to make her arrival that day. The weekend before she was born, David and I took full advantage of the time we had left and went to a drag race about an hour away from our home. Was it the smartest decision to drive over 3 hours away from the hospital I planned to deliver at? Maybe not but we had a blast and made it home safely.